Sunday, November 1, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs

I have a bunch of new things to post, but first I want to do a couple more about my trip to Australia. Being in a strange place, you tend to notice how even the littlest things are done just a little bit different. I found myself laughing at a lot of the signage around. I think Australians just have a little different tone than Americans, and I think it comes through in all forms of communication. So here is a compilation of some of my favorite signs during my stay.

Nathan actually pointed this one out as we waited on a bus to downtown Sydney one morning. He felt the sign was a bit antagonistic, but I pointed out the sign wasn't actually calling us chickens, rather just preparing us for some facts regarding actual chickens. I think this information would be better presented with some different punctuation.

This one is self-explanatory and probably funny in any language. Although I think there was a missed opportunity here with The Family Jewels located so close to Grab Denim. Ideally the two stores could merge into Grab the Family Jewels. (If anyone is offended, stop reading now. This is not going to be a real high brow post.)

This one wasn't the sign so much (although that is a strange-looking sign) as it is the multitude of identical signs. You'd think this place would look like Times Square with the number of pedestrian caution signs about. I fear it's more likely the result of some ridiculous litigation as Nathan and I were the only two pedestrians about.

Billboards like this were all over Sydney. Very direct, I think. However the medium seems like a poor choice as anyone answering "yes" would likely not be seeing that sign. Though that might explain the traffic.

Bizarre Hair Management. A sign like that just screams "failed business."

A new shop opening up just around the corner from Nathan and Dina. Not even Dina - a native Australian - knew what a "cheeky fun fashion haven" might be. I pray I never have to find out.

There's no way this sign flies in the States. It gets the point across though doesn't it? It's a bit contradictory to me with the obvious pictures but the politically correct "less mobile" in the text. Seen on the city buses in Sydney.

Every sign in Manly was a joke waiting to happen. And I think Nathan made them all.

Judging by what I saw, this bottle of water speaks on behalf of all Australia.



  1. You don't even have the "Load Exceeded" flashing sign from that bridge we were driving across.

  2. You forgot my favorite (or favourite) Manly sign - the Manly Ferry!

  3. And those "Making Love?" billboards used to be much more explicit.
