Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let The Blogging Begin

There is a lot of pressure coming up with a blog name. When you sit down and start an endeavor such as this, you can't help but have grand visions of what it might become. You imagine yourself blazing a path of grand thoughts and world-changing ideas in HTML for years to come. I suppose a title might be easier to pick if you had a grand vision (or at least wild guess) as to what your blog might be about. But for those of us who have no seeming aim or purpose, it's a bit difficult. It's a little like what I think naming a child must be like. How do you know your child will be a Carl? Or a Karl for that matter. Does anointing him so make him grow to be more Carl-like? Would he be the same if he were raised a Steven?

This blog has no grand (or otherwise) vision of what it's to be about. So I took a line from a song by one of my favorite artists. It tells about a man who drives a car off a cliff and tells the passengers "it's flying." In writing the previous sentence, I realize there is another clever line near the end of the song,
"Fighting for Peace?
That's like screaming for quiet."
I realize now "Screaming For Quiet" would have made a much better blog name.


  1. Yes! I am so excited that you have entered the blogging world. I like the title for your blog. I have been thinking of a title for almost a year now, but I can't quite stick with one yet. Screaming for quiet maybe is more of a Mom's made a good choice! Keep posting!

  2. This is going to be so much fun! Screaming for Quiet. Does sound like a mom to me. Good job.

  3. So do you think you'll write more here or in the Word file thesis.doc over the next year?

  4. Consider this a warning, Mellquist. Further posts like this and you WILL be banned from the comments section.

  5. I meant to tell you earlier, but I was looking at the people who follow your blog. Why is it that Matt and I are the only ones that don't look exactly like you? Weird!

  6. Nice. I'm expecting a lot from this blog. Just a warning.

  7. It's true you might be weird, but you are definitely entertaining. I'm looking forward to these ever so sage like blogs. And fyi, most Allisons I know are strangely similar. It's all in the name.

  8. I really miss your blogs :(
